How To Acquire Free Ticker Tape
[ SITE MODIFIED MAY. 27, 2006 ]
Do not be alarmed by the complexity of the following instructions. Most of them are redundant and appear in case (a) links have become obsolete or (b) you are a neophyte and need to have things spelled out in minute detail to avoid confusion. Experienced scriptwriters will breeze through these instructions.
- Visit the website of Dynamic Drive.
- Go to the page that contains the "Cross Browser marquee." As of this writing, June 30, 2001, the page in question may be accessed by clicking here.
- In case Dynamic Drive has changed the URL, go to the home page and look under "DHTML Script categories."
- Locate "Scrollers," and click on the link.
- Locate "Cross Browser marquee" (not "Cross Browser marquee II"), and click on the link.
- Read the "Terms of Use" appearing on the Dynamic Drive site (they are extremely friendly, and as of this writing, June 30, 2001, there is no fee).
- To make the ticker tape work, all you have to do is copy the code and paste it into the body of your HTML script where you want the ticker tape to appear.
- Click on "Select All."
- Hit Ctrl+C.
- Go to the place where you wish to insert the ticker on your own web page.
- Hit Ctrl+V.
- If you like what you see, use it.
- Delete the existing text and substitute your own.
- Delete the existing links and, if desired, substitute your own.
- If you are happy with Dynamic Drive's ticker, there is no necessity to use our code.
STEP #2 (Optional)
- If you prefer the appearance of our ticker tape, SELECT the following code (various HTML tags and attributes). Right-click within the box and choose "Select All".
- Right-click and choose "Copy".
- Go to Dynamic Drive's code in your HTML document.
- Paste our code just in front of their code.
- Again, SELECT below.
- Right-click to copy.
- Paste into your HTML document just after Dynamic Drive's code.
- Set the first three variables (marqueewidth, marqueeheight, speed) to 400, 23 and 5 respectively.
- Delete everything between single quotation marks after the phrase "var marqueecontents=".
- Again, SELECT below (text plus HTML).
- Right-click to copy.
- Paste, in place of the code you just deleted.
- Save your HTML document as a prototype from which you may create additional scrollers.
- Save again under a new name and use as a working copy.
- Examine our code, comparing it with the scroller on this site to see how various HTML tags and attributes, in combination with special characters, yield different textual effects.
- Substitute your own text.
- Congratulations! You've just created your own customized, clickable scroller.
Terms of Use
- We recommend that you visit Dynamic Drive's site because our experiences with that organization have been very positive. However, if you decide to use that site, you do so at your own risk. You, not we, are responsible for any consequences that may ensue.
- Furthermore, should you decide to use any data contained within this web page, you do so at your own risk. You, not we, are responsible for any consequences that may ensue.
- You agree not to use our data for illegal purposes or in documents that contain illegal material.
- You agree not to hold us liable for damages resulting from proper or improper use of data appearing on this page.
- We do not provide free technical support. Our intention is to provide instructions sufficiently thorough that experienced webmasters can follow them and create scrollers without technical assistance. However, should you require technical support, you are welcome to
- Copyright to our scroller-related HTML codes is hereby waived.
- Text used in creating scrollers on this site is copyright, only to ensure accuracy in representing services advertised therein. If you wish to include our text in your scroller, kindly send us an email with the words "Publish Your Text" in the subject line, and we will respond.
- We do not require you to acknowledge our assistance. However, if you find this page helpful and wish to acknowledge us on your site or create a link to us, such acknowledgement or link will be greatly appreciated.
- Our waiver of copyright does not in any way alter any claim to ownership of intellectual property on the part of Dynamic Drive. Their "Terms of Use," not ours, govern their site. We recommend Dynamic Drive, but are not affiliated with that organization.
Comments, suggestions and questions are welcome. You may
them to us us. We will do our best to acknowledge messages we receive. We are particularly interested in viewing websites that use our scrollers.
However, since we have no idea how many messages we will receive, we cannot promise to respond to all of them. If unable to do so, we will post explanatory information on this site. We will also endeavour to resolve technical issues brought to our attention and post answers to frequently asked questions, so that you may benefit to the greatest possible extent from our technology.